Stripe subscription system with automatic plan management along with email notification

(1 customer review)


Manage automatically a paid subscription system with Stripe and webhooks with MongoDB, ExpressJS, Reactjs, Nodejs, Redux, MUI(Material UI), Datagrid, toast notification.




If you plan to build a SAAS project, we provide you the code to implement it in your own project.

– RUN “npm install” in Frontend & Backend folders to install dependencies;
– After installations, CREATE PLAN SUBSCRIPTION FROM STRIPE according to the tutorial video:

– Get your STRIPE_SECRET_KEY & WEBHOOKS_SECRET from STRIPE according to the video
to be added in .env file which is already included in this project.
– According to the video you would have to create an NGROK “” acount to generate an https endpoint associated with your backend localhost port.
– The database is already configure for you but if you want, you can create yours.
– We have added products seeder in you create a new Database in the product controller file:
http://localhost:9000/api/v1/products/seeder, you can run it, in your browser.
– We have E-mail configuration ready with nodemailer to send notification when you update a plan,
you would have to add your service e-mail provider in the .env file, if you don’t want to use it,
comment the “try / catch” block in stripe controller webhooks.

1 review for Stripe subscription system with automatic plan management along with email notification

  1. Nicolas Lecocq

    Quisque nisl felis, venenatis tristique, dignissim in, ultrices sit amet, augue. Proin sodales libero eget ante. Nulla quam. Aenean laoreet. Vestibulum nisi lectus, commodo ac, facilisis ac,

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